Mallory Lake Art Prints

Mallory Lake's Italian landscapes for which she has become deservedly famous are so eagerly sought by collectors that the artist is hard-pressed to keep up with the demand for her work. Each winter she leaves her Vermont home for the sunny climes of Italy where she explores venues making notes, photo-records and sketches upon which she bases her highly evocative and romantic works. Her travels this year centered on southeastern Tuscany. Using handmade pastel sticks which she compounds from French chalk, Lake creates works which are incredibly lush and velvety in texture but it is her approach to and interpretation of her subject matter which draws her ever-increasing following. Her work is all about light, its visual and psychological effects. Her landscapes emerge from the velvety depths of her grounds lit with such dramatic effect that they take on a brooding, dreamlike quality. They are gems, glowing with their own inner light.

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