Cherie Roe Dirksen Wall Art

Cherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment columnist/author as well as a multi-media artist. She’s a bass guitarist, painter, composer and designer. She originally came from Cape Town - the tip of Africa. Her art is a mirror of her hunger for symbology, bright color, passion and life— whatever stimulates her to unleash a vision onto canvas with whatever medium feels right. This explains why she continuously experiments with mixed media. Her drive is to bring something spirited, fresh, unique and emotive into the world. She combines her love of art with her passion to write and help others to find their creative strip. She runs her own blog and site where she has a readership of more than 10,000 people. She’s a weekly contributing writer of a column in Conscious Life News and she’s a columnist for Odyssey, the South Africa's well known holistic magazine.

He works from home and lives with her husband in the scenic village of Barrydale which provides her with immeasurable inspiration for her chosen career in writing, music and art. She was schooled and grew up in Fish Hoek, a drowsy little town on the Cape Point route. Cherie took art lessons with local artist, Vincent Veronica, and later on, in her senior years of education, she joined the Frank Joubert Art Center in Newlands where she took extra classes. Here, she pottered with sculpture and ceramics for two years. Through the Sheffield School of Interior Design, she became a qualified Interior Decorator, and worked in a few local framing galleries/consultants and art shops.

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