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Night Sky Paintings

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California Fan Palms and a mesquite grove in a desert landscape
Fine-Art Print
26" x 17"
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Star trails at the Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park, California
Fine-Art Print
17" x 26"
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Tufa formations at Mono Lake, California
Fine-Art Print
26" x 17"
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Star trails above mountain peaks near Yosemite National Park, California
Fine-Art Print
26" x 17"
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The Milky Way and zodiacal light presented as a mini planet
Fine-Art Print
26" x 31"
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The Milky Way at zenital position with some thin clouds at the horizon
Fine-Art Print
35" x 23"
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Venus setting and a bright cone of zodiacal light visible after sunset
Fine-Art Print
24" x 34"
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Star trails around the south celestial pole at the beach in Miramar, Argentina
Fine-Art Print
23" x 35"
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A panorama of the Milky Way
Fine-Art Print
46" x 17"
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Total lunar eclipse with eclipse motion trail
Fine-Art Print
32" x 25"
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The Milky Way, the Moon and Venus over the fields in Azul, Argentina
Fine-Art Print
30" x 27"
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Venus shines brightly below the crescent Moon from coast of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fine-Art Print
28" x 28"
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The Eta Carina nebula and the Milky Way visible at dawn
Fine-Art Print
23" x 35"
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Comet Panstarrs at twilight, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fine-Art Print
34" x 23"
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Northern summer/autumn Milky Way from horizon to past the zenith, Alberta, Canada
Fine-Art Print
23" x 34"
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A bright bolide meteor breaking up as it enters the atmosphere
Fine-Art Print
34" x 23"
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The Scutum star cloud in the northern summer Milky Way
Fine-Art Print
34" x 23"
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The summer Milky Way in southern Alberta, Canada
Fine-Art Print
23" x 34"
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The summer Milky Way on a clear moonless evening in Alberta, Canada
Fine-Art Print
23" x 34"
Ships within 3-5 days
Trail of the International Space Station as it passes over a campground in Canada
Fine-Art Print
34" x 23"
Ships within 3-5 days
Trail of the International Space Station coming out of the western twilight
Fine-Art Print
23" x 34"
Ships within 3-5 days
The northern lights as seen from the Wintering Hills Wind Farm, Alberta, Canada
Fine-Art Print
34" x 23"
Ships within 3-5 days
The northern summer Milky Way over the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party
Fine-Art Print
23" x 34"
Ships within 3-5 days
Southern Milky Way with zodiacal light prominent in the east
Fine-Art Print
34" x 23"
Ships within 3-5 days
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